令和6年度 英語リスニング問題
[A] 次の対話と質問を聞き、その答えとして最も適切なものをア~エの中から1つ選び、記号で答えなさい。
- ア) Ashley will call Stan.
- イ) Stan will come back.
- ウ) Stan will call Ashley.
- エ) Ashley will visit Stan.
- ア) In the bookstore.
- イ) In the library.
- ウ) At the station.
- エ) At the airport.
- ア) Because she always skips breakfast.
- イ) Because her father drove her to school.
- ウ) Because she ate a big dinner last night.
- エ) Because she got up late.
- ア) Because it looked terrible.
- イ) Because it was too salty.
- ウ) Because the smell was so nice.
- エ) Because they didn’t want to eat curry yesterday.
- ア) Since his father bought him a camera.
- イ) Since he entered high school.
- ウ) Since his grandparent gave his camera to him.
- エ) For ten years.
令和6年度 リスニング問題 答え
- A : Hello. This is Ashley. Is Stan there?
- B : Hi, Ashley. Sorry, he’s out. He’ll be back soon. Can I take a message?
- A : No thanks. I’ll call back in thirty minutes.
- B : OK, thanks.
Question : What will happen in thirty minutes?
- A : Excuse me. I’m looking for a traveler’s guide about Poland.
- B : We have many guidebooks over there. I’ll show you. Here you are.
- A : Oh, there are many books here. Hmm. I think I’ll take this one.
- B : Thank you. That comes to 1000yen.
Question : Where are they talking?
- A : It’s already eight! Why didn’t you wake me up?
- B : I did. Hey, how about breakfast?
- A : I have no time to eat. I have to go now! See you, Dad!
- B : Have a good day, Kathy!
Question : Why can’t Kathy eat breakfast?
I always cook dinner for my family. Yesterday I tried a new curry recipe. It looked so delicious and smelled fantastic. But my family didn’t enjoy eating it because I added too much salt.
Question : Why was her family NOT pleased with her curry?
Taking pictures is a lot of fun. When I was ten, my grandfather gave me his old camera. Since then, I have been interested in taking pictures of anything I can. After I entered high school, I joined the photography club, and my father bought me a new digital camera.
Question : How long has he been interested in taking photos?
令和5年度 英語リスニング問題
[A] 次の対話と質問を聞き、その答えとして最も適切なものをア~エの中から1つ選び、記号で答えなさい。
- ア) Two.
- イ) Three.
- ウ) Five.
- エ) Eight.
- ア) Yes, he has. He lived there before.
- イ) Yes, he has. He goes there every summer.
- ウ) No, he hasn’t. But he has been to France before.
- エ) No, he hasn’t. He has never been to a foreign country.
- ア) A blue shirt.
- イ) A white shirt.
- ウ) A red skirt.
- エ) A green skirt.
- ア) Because she didn’t do housework.
- イ) Because she was late for school.
- ウ) Because she didn’t finish her homework.
- エ) Because she looked after her mother.
- ア) Every morning.
- イ) After lunch.
- ウ) Every Saturday.
- エ) On Thursdays.
令和5年度 リスニング問題 答え
- A : How many children are coming to the party tomorrow, Sarah?
- B : Five girls and three boys. I’m going to make an apple pie for them later today.
- A : OK, I’ll go shopping. Is there anything you need?
- B : Two apples and some butter, please.
Question : How many children will come to the party?
- A : Peter, you are going to England next week, aren’t you?
- B : Yes! It’s my first trip to a foreign country. I can’t wait!
- A : What are you going to do there?
- B : I’m going to meet my friend and go sightseeing with her.
Question : Has Peter ever been to England?
- A : Hello, may I help you?
- B : Yes, please. I’m looking for a shirt.
- A : How about this blue one? It’s very popular among teenage girls.
- B : It’s very nice. But I don’t like the color. Do you have it in white?
Question : What will she buy?
I was scolded by my teacher today. Yesterday was the last day of the winter vacation, and my mother was sick in bed. I had to take care of her and had a lot of housework to do, so I couldn’t finish my homework.
Question : Why was she scolded by her teacher?
There is a big park near my house. I run in the park every morning with my son. My family often has a picnic lunch there on Saturdays if it’s sunny.
Question : When does the man run in the park?
令和4年度 英語リスニング問題
[A] 次の対話と質問を聞き、その答えとして最も適切なものをア~エのなからから1つ選び、記号で答えなさい。
- ア) Two weeks ago.
- イ) Last Sunday.
- ウ) Tomorrow.
- エ) In two weeks.
- ア) Old temples.
- イ) Shopping.
- ウ) Famous parks.
- エ) Nara.
- ア) Hot dogs and an apple.
- イ) Hot dogs and an orange.
- ウ) Hamburgers and an apple.
- エ) Hamburgers and an orange.
- ア) Because she had to do his homework.
- イ) Because she wanted to read a book.
- ウ) Because she bought an interesting book.
- エ) Because she had to study for the test.
- ア) February in Canberra.
- イ) February in Osaka.
- ウ) August in Canberra.
- エ) August in Osaka.
令和4年度 リスニング問題 答え
- A : Rain, rain, rain! It’s rained for two weeks!
- B : Yeah. I wanted to go out last Sunday, but it rained.
- A : Look! The weather forecast says it will be sunny tomorrow!
- B : At last! Shall we go on a picinc, then?
Question : When will they go on a picnic?
- A : Thank you for showing me around Kyoto today.
- B : Not at all, but I’m sorry you didn’t have enough time to go shopping.
- A : No problem! I enjoyed visiting the old temples.
- B : How about visiting Nara next week?
Question : Where did they go today?
- A : Lisa, what do you want to eat, hot dogs or hamburgers?
- B : I like hot dogs better than hamburgers. May I have an apple, too?
- A : Sorry. We don’t have any apples, but there are some oranges.
- B : Great! I’ll have one.
Question : What is Lisa going to eat?
Yesterday I got a very interesting book from my uncle. I couldn’t stop reading it and I didn’t do any study at all. Today I have a math test, so I had to get up early this morning.
Question : Why did she get up early this morning?
I’m from Canberra in Australia. February is summer there, but summer in Canberra is not as hot as in Osaka, so I can often enjoy hiking with my friends.
Question : Which is the hottest?
令和3年度 英語リスニング問題
[A] 対話と質問を聞き、その答えとして最も適切なものを番号で答えなさい。
- Because he got up late.
- Because he wanted to buy a present for her.
- Because he didn’t want to come here.
- Because he had a lot of homework.
- Call Alice back.
- Ask her to come back.
- Visit Alice by two o’clock.
- Talk with his mother.
- Turn left.
- Go straight.
- Turn right.
- Go back.
[B] 英文と質問を聞き、その答えとして最も適切なものを番号で答えなさい。
- Because she forgot to bring any money.
- Because there were no carrots in the store.
- Because she had to study math.
- Because she didn’t remember what to buy.
- Before he studied for the test.
- Before he ate dinner.
- After he studied for the test.
- After he ate dinner.
令和3年度 リスニング問題 答え
[A] 対話と質問を聞き、その答えとして最も適切なものを番号で答えなさい。
- A : Bob! You are late! I have waited for you for an hour!
- B : Sorry, Kate. But…
- A : You always keep me waiting. Last week you got up late, and ….
- B : Kate, wait a minute. Today I was trying to buy a ring for you. Happy birthday, Kate!
Question : Why was Bob late for their date today?
- A : Hello, this is Alice speaking. Can I talk with Ken?
- B : Sorry, but he is out right now. Shall I take a message?
- A : Yes, please. Can you ask him to call me back?
- B : Of course. Thank you for calling.
Question : What should Ken do after he comes back?
- A : Excuse me, but will you tell me the way to Konko Osaka High School?
- B : Sure. Go down this street, and turn right at the second traffic lights. You can find a brown building on your left. That’s Konko Osaka High School.
- A : Thank you!
- B : I’m a student there. Shall I show you the way?
- A : Really, thank you.
- B : No problem. Let’s go together.
Question : Which way will they turn at the traffic lights?
[B] 英文と質問を聞き、その答えとして最も適切なものを番号で答えなさい。
Yesterday I went to the supermarket. I had to buy some carrots and potatoes. At the supermarket, I met my math teacher. We talked together for thirty minutes. After talking, I forgot what I wanted to buy, so I went home without getting anything.
Question :Why didn’t she buy anything at the supermarket?
I love comic books. A new volume of my favorite comic books was released yesterday, so I bought one after school. I wanted to read it right away, but I had a big test the next day, so I studied for two hours first. After that I enjoyed the new comic book.
Question : When did he read the new comic book?
令和2年度 英語リスニング問題
[A] 対話と質問を聞き、その答えとして最も適切なものを番号で答えなさい。
- Play baseball.
- Take a shower.
- Stay in bed.
- Go home now.
- One cat.
- Three cats.
- One dog.
- Two dogs.
- At the station.
- In a shop.
- In a classroom.
- In a restaurant.
[B] 英文と質問を聞き、その答えとして最も適切なものを番号で答えなさい。
- Study English more.
- Do your best.
- Speak English perfectly.
- Try to enjoy everything.
- Only in the morning.
- Only in the afternoon.
- All day.
- They couldn’t play tennis yesterday.
令和2年度 リスニング問題 答え
[A] 対話と質問を聞き、その答えとして最も適切なものを番号で答えなさい。
- A : Mom, I’m sick. I have a fever.
- B : You played baseball in the rain yesterday, right?
- A : Yeah , but when I got home, I was so tired. I couldn’t even take a shower.
- B : You must have a cold. I think you should stay in bed today.
Question : What should the boy do today?
- A : Lucy, what animal do you like?
- B : I like dogs. I have a small black one and a big white one.
- A : How about cats? I have an old cat.
- B : I like cats, too. I had a cat three years ago, too. She was so cute.
Question : What pet does Lucy have?
- A : May I help you?
- B : Yes, please . I’m looking for a travel bag.
- A : How about this one? It’s very light.
- B : It looks good. I’ll take a blue one.
Question : Where are they talking now?
[B] 英文と質問を聞き、その答えとして最も適切なものを番号で答えなさい。
I am going to Canada to study for three months. I’m not good at English, so I asked my teacher for advice . My teacher said two things to me, “You don’t have to speak perfect English , and enjoy everything.” I will try my best to follow her advice.
Question :What is his teacher’s advice?
Yesterday I went to the park with my sister. We played tennis for two hours. After lunch, we were going to play tennis again, but it began to rain, so we had to go home.
Question : When did they play tennis yesterday?